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HISTORY OF INTERNET:- At first the internet begins with the development electronic computers in the 1950s. Initial concepts of world wide area networking originated in several computer science laboratories in the united states, united kingdom and France. In the olden days computers are big in size it occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing almost 50 tuns, invented by J. Presper Eckert.

  • In 1969 the first workable prototype of the internet came with the creation of (ARPA) Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  • First (login) message sent from UCLA to Stanford and in that message only lo message is recived.
  • In the year of 1971 tom lingson sent the first email.
  • And the same year 1971 Vinton Gray cref  developed TCP/IP. By using this, information are being sent easily in olden days.
  • In the year 1991 Tim Berners Lee Invented (WWW) World Wide Web.
  • In the year of 1970s internet is connected to only 4 computes but now a days internet is connected to 328 Million devices every month. From studies they found that by 2020 the internet will be connect to 5000 cores devices.

  • Some devices which are connected to each other is called internet. Internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various types of media. The internet is a network of global exchanges- including private, public, business, academic and government networks- connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies.

  • It works on the cable 99% of data traffic which is transferred by cables
  • 1% of data is transferred through satellites. And this 1% is used for secured websites, google maps navigation.
  • Internet cables are arranged through world. those are called as Optical Fiber Cables or Submarine Cables these cable are made up of fibers. These size of the cables are small then our hair size, the information which we are sending through internet is which is transfer through this cables.
  • Suppose if you are using mobile the internet is comes from tower which is near to you.
  • 1 cable can handle 20,000-25,000 calls.
  • The data that which are sending is forms into packets and transfer though this cable by using the IP address.
  • The internet which we are using now should cross the three companies those are called Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3.
  • Tier-1:- Suppose if we want to transfer the files to another computer which is in another country by using the tier-1 company cables the data is transfer to that computer. Some of the big companies has been arranged the cables thought out the world. By using the link you can see the cables which are arranged though out the world
  • This cables life is only for 25 years and by 21 years after they will be changing the cables
  • Tier-2:- These tier-2 companies buy the data from the tier-1 companies and they will arrange the towers and they will sell the data by keeping offers and some of the companies are airtel, idea etc..
  • Tier-3:- And these companies buy the data from the tier-2 companies and sell the data to the people. for example: tikona, hathway. 
  • And these tier-2 and tier-3 companies are combine and started a  new company to exchange data and that website is NIXI National Internet Exchange Of India. If you visit this website you can see the data from where it is transfer to another counties. And how much data is transferred also you can see though that website. 
  • Internet is totally free but the cost is only for the cables and for maintenance.
  • By using the Tracert and webiste name in cmd, you can see the traffic where it is going.

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